ARPMAM is a vertical Expert System developed for the automatic piperouting in the Oil&Gas Plant.

ARPMAN software:

  • reads the from/to information directly form the environment chosen for the PI&D smart design, either for the lines that have equipment nozzles for both the from/to or for the lines that have another line for one or both of the from/to.

  • reads the lines properties (diameters, piping class, insulation, etc.) directly form the environment chosen for the PI&D smart

  • builds, using the abovesaid read data, a 3D model containing the suggested autoroute of the lines.

  • performs the validation of the rack design in terms of allowable room for process, auxiliary, flare, manifold, etc. lines in respect of the minimum spare rules of the Project

  • evaluates and fills in a dedicated report with the piping loads to be used in structural design.

Main pillars:

  • Great efficiency for FEED and Proposal Engineering due to the possibility, looking for the optimal one, to easily test several configurations.

  • Great efficiency in providing piping loads to the structural discipline

New and original aspects of the creation

The approach is completely innovative since the automatic piping routing engineering problem has been converted in a linear optimization problem with the objective function that represents the minimum cost.